Press releases HosonoAI
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Press releases Create press releases with AI

You use the free FREE version of HosonoAI without an account and therefore only have limited usage options. For PRO features and higher limits please log in or register for free., no credit card required. We'll give you the first 10,000 tokens.
1. List some facts/keywords (key points and or sentences).

2. What company writes?

3. Name contact details

or CSV import PRO
4. Choose a salutation if necessaryPRO
5. Which AI version should be used? PRO
6. Choose a language

7. Choose a text format if necessary.PRO

8. The AI tries to write 100 words per press release
9. Please generate me 1 press releases

By using the tool, you agree to both the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions (T&C).*

10. The result of AI


Press releases quickly and easily - with our AI tool!

For companies and start-ups it is essential to be present in the media landscape in order to gain visibility and attention. One of the most effective ways to do this is through press releases. But not everyone is a master of language or has the time to spend hours writing press releases. That's where our AI tool comes in - fast, easy and available at any time.

How our AI tool works

Our AI tool makes creating press releases immensely easier. Instead of having to think about text structure, wording and language, a few key points or facts are sufficient to obtain a perfectly formulated and structured press release. By using artificial intelligence, our tool is able to recognize the most important information and turn it into a concise text. This way, you can focus on your business and enjoy the freedom of not having to worry about the tedious wording of press releases.

What makes our tool different from ChatGTP

ChatGTP is another tool that also uses artificial intelligence to generate text. But unlike our AI tool, ChatGTP has limited functionality and is primarily designed to generate rounds of conversations. Our tool, on the other hand, focuses explicitly on press release generation, ensuring the quality and relevance of the end product.

The advantages of our AI tool at a glance

  • Simple and intuitive operation
  • Quick generation of high quality press releases
  • Creative formulation through the use of artificial intelligence
  • No special knowledge of language or text structure required
  • Compared to ChatGTP, the tool is clearly ahead in terms of quality and relevance

Overall, our AI tool offers a time- and cost-efficient way to create high-quality press releases and thus increase visibility and awareness of the company.

Do I have to pay for using the tool?

You have the freedom to decide whether or not you want to continue using the PRO features of the tool after extensive testing. It is very important to us that you make an informed decision and only use the tool if you are completely satisfied with its performance and the benefits it offers. After you have tested the tool extensively, you have the freedom to decide for yourself whether you want to continue using the tool or not. We want you to be able to make an informed decision and use the tool only if you are completely satisfied with its performance and usefulness. We are confident that you will be impressed with our AI tool and look forward to giving you the opportunity to test it for free. So, what are you waiting for? Try our press release generator and let's create the perfect press releases for your business together!

Register now and get 10,000 tokens for testing!

HosonoAI / HosonoDE Team
If you have any questions, I'm glad to help!

Hey, I'm Wiebke and I work as a project manager at HosonoDE. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me! You can reach me through a variety of channels, depending on what suits you best. Send me an email, give me a call, or send me a message via chat - I'm always willing to help you out.