
FAQ - Frequently asked questions

We want to make sure that you can work with our tool in the best possible way and are happy to help you with any questions you may have. For this reason, we have carefully compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about our tool. We hope that this will help you to work even more successfully with our tool.

You can find the prices on this page: HosonoAI Prices. When you register, you will receive 10,000 tokens for free.

Create an account and receive 10,000 tokens!

One can assume that approximately 4 characters make up one token, but this depends on the character itself. In our tool, we also have a so-called System Prompt, which is an instruction to the AI that the user cannot see. In general, it's Inputs from the user + System Prompt + Output = Tokens.

For more information on how tokens work, you can find it here: https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer

We offer PayPal, credit card, and bank transfer as payment options.

We currently use the OpenAI GPT3.5-Turbo AI. GPT4 and other AIs are planned for the future.

To change account information currently, we ask you to contact support.

Currently, you need to ask our support for assistance.

Our current system unfortunately does not provide a native function for speech input or Speech-to-Text. However, we recommend using a free Chrome extension to enable speech input through a plugin and use it with HosonoAI. This can make your writing work easier and more efficient.

For other browsers like Firefox, there are also similar extensions that offer similar functionality.

Install Chrome Extension for Speech Input

HosonoAI uses artificial intelligence to generate high-quality texts for products and categories, optimize meta fields, and create Google Ads. It utilizes advanced speech recognition technology based on machine learning methods, trained to automate specific tasks in e-commerce and marketing.

Yes, HosonoAI can be used for a variety of marketing tasks, including generating ad copy, creating landing pages, and optimizing keywords.

Yes, HosonoAI can be tailored to the specific needs of your e-commerce business. We offer custom configuration that is tailored to your needs.

HosonoAI utilizes a secure cloud infrastructure and implements strict security measures to ensure the confidentiality of your data. Our platform also uses SSL encryption to ensure that all data is transmitted securely.

HosonoAI is suitable for a variety of companies, regardless of their size or industry. It can be particularly useful for companies looking to enhance their online presence, optimize their marketing campaigns, or improve their product descriptions and categories.

Yes, HosonoAI offers a free trial so that companies can try the service and see if it meets their requirements before making a purchase decision.

The benefits of HosonoAI include increased efficiency, time savings, improved quality, increased conversions, scalability, personalization, improved SEO, cost efficiency, quick implementation, and competitiveness, among others.

Yes, we use ChatGPT 3.5 version.

No, it is not necessary, as we handle this on behalf of the customer.

HosonoAI / HosonoDE Team
If you have any questions, I'm glad to help!

Hey, I'm Wiebke and I work as a project manager at HosonoDE. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me! You can reach me through a variety of channels, depending on what suits you best. Send me an email, give me a call, or send me a message via chat - I'm always willing to help you out.