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We cannot take any responsibility for the texts, because they are generated independently by the AI. We therefore ask you to check the texts for legal and linguistic errors and to correct them. It may also happen that facts are not correct.
Legal assessment of AI generated texts: Attorney Dr. Daniel S. Huber has written a detailed article on the website of it-recht kanzlei münchen on the topic of "No copyright on AI-generated content?". https://www.it-recht-kanzlei.de/chatgpt-kuenstliche-intelligenz-urheberrecht-KI-Inhalte.html
Legal assessment of AI generated texts: Attorney Dr. Daniel S. Huber has written a detailed article on the website of it-recht kanzlei münchen on the topic of "No copyright on AI-generated content?". https://www.it-recht-kanzlei.de/chatgpt-kuenstliche-intelligenz-urheberrecht-KI-Inhalte.html
HTML Editor